Thursday, April 12, 2012

There's Always a Silver Lining....

They say that even in disaster you should look for the positive in everything.  Last year, Bob, the manager of Bally’s and a longtime friend called me.  In classic Bob-style - he said that he had the most amazing dream for us both.  He thought if we came to Bally’s again - we could bring a renewal to the gym and we would be even more wildly  successful and Bally’s would be amazing and revitalized.
I politely told him that we were doing awesome on our own - and just moved into our own building.  He persisted relentlessly.  And the rest was history.
We moved in June and things were great.  Until Bob died suddenly a month later. 
Devastated, I wondered what to make of Bob’s dream.   What it meant.  Why we were called back to Bally’s?  We pondered closing.  I mean - without Bob, why were we there?
We went on and did extremely well at Bally’s.  Maybe it was Bob’s vision for the gym and for us.  We still felt we were meant to be there.  And it was great.
And then in December, LA Fitness took over Bally’s and out we went.  No notice.  Nothing.
We were so lucky in a sense that it wasn’t our main office - as it had been for many chiropractic centers and physical therapists.  
People asked how we handled the financial devastation of opening an office in June.  Investing in it.   Staffing it.   And having it shut down in a matter of 5 months.
And I say to them this.....
The cost of Bally’s pales in comparison to the friendships we have made and one in particular.
Robby Schwartz.
When I came back to Bally’s it had been 10 years since I had my old office there.  I had been 29.  I was young, vibrant, and energetic.  
Over 10 years - it wore hard on me - despite our office being a success - but over the years - I stopped taking care of myself.  We had another child and the business was booming.   The 80lbs. I lost prior to starting practice at Gold’s and Bally’s started to creep back on - and I found myself not recognizing myself.  I was tired.  I was weak.
I found myself gravitating more and more away from a love of sports chiropractic - because I wasn’t congruent.  I mean - how do you answer a patient that asks you, “Hey Dr. Brandie - what exercise do you, uh I mean, would you do if you did exercise?”  Ouch.
So Robby.  Robby offered to train me.  I thought he was nuts.  Me?  Despite my feeling that I was washed up - I took to him.   I trusted him.  I can’t afford to be hurt.  I can’t afford a lot of time and he worked with me.  I told him I couldn’t do it.  He said I could.
From September to December - I trained twice a week with Robby.   It was amazing.  He helped me understand what I was doing in my life that was not helping me get to where I want.  In October - I started texting and emailing him what I ate, exactly as he taught me - and I dropped 25 lbs. in 10 weeks.  Boom.  But it wasn’t about the weight.
I started feeling alive again.  
I started feeling strong again.
I started feeling not only like the old me - but a new me.  
He helped me understand that putting myself last served no one.  
And he was right.
After the hiatus to see the future of what was to come with the gym - I picked right back up with him.   The first session was tough - but quickly I got back up to speed.
He urged me to try HYPE.  I was terrified.  I think if you asked me to go on a cliff dive - I would have been less scared.  
And I did it.  And it was amazing.
There is something deeply spiritual about HYPE-ing.
I couldn’t put my finger on what it was that drew so many people and the enormous energy - but I think it comes down to this.
Robby Schwartz is THE BEST trainer who walks this Earth.
It is not the moves that he makes us do.
It isn’t the soundtrack.
It is this.  Robby puts his soul into his class.  Pours it.  Dumps it.  All over you.
He believes in every person in that room and sees them for what they CAN be - not where they are....even if they can’t see it themselves.
A coach once told me in my practice - that if I was on fire - people would come from all around - just to watch me burn.  People come to HYPE to watch Robby burn - and he does.
Robby took me - someone who thought they were a far gone, old washed up doctor, and mom to a teenaged girl (who also loves HYPE) to someone who feels so damn strong, vibrant, and alive!   I didn’t think it was possible.  He knew it was.  And he was right.

He gave my kids a happier, stronger, more energetic mom.
He gave my husband someone to finally workout with, instead of sitting at home.
He gave my patients a role model who is showing them it isn’t too late and it is possible to turn back time.
It has affected all facets of my life.
And no one can take that away from me.  
So yeah, despite all the perceived loss from the Bally’s experience and the whole emotional toll from Bob and losing the office - it was hard.  I’m not gonna lie.
But our office is doing better than ever, I made friends for life, and Robby Schwartz gave me back me.  What else is there?

 Dr. Brandie 

P.S.  If anyone is interested in hearing about HYPE or having Robby train them - there is NO one I would trust more than he with our patients or friends.   If you are interested in changing your life and getting YOU back - let me know and I'll pass along his info. or "like" his Facebook page at