Just like the end of a great chick flick - everything comes together and then what? The End! You are cured? Fixed?
Hmmm....chiropractors are notorious for "Once you go to a chiropractor - you go for life!"
Yup - hear that about 5-10 times a week with our new patients and being goal-focused - it has always bothered me and bothered me a lot. Arthur and I get adjusted every two weeks. My kids get checked at least the same. Our staff is the same.
I don't have any financial gain to get adjusted or adjust my kids - I just want them to be the healthiest they can be.
Early in practice - I wanted to be better than that with my patients. I mean - they were paying so I wanted to "FIX" my patients - thinking they could.be.fixed. So why was I not fixable? Why did I and my family continue to get adjusted?
I knew they would never be fixed. But on a daily basis - that's what I heard them say again and again.
"Dr. Brandie, I want to fix this. I want to come in 2 times and fix this." "You didn't FIX this last time - so I had to come back."
I don't have any financial gain to get adjusted or adjust my kids - I just want them to be the healthiest they can be.
Early in practice - I wanted to be better than that with my patients. I mean - they were paying so I wanted to "FIX" my patients - thinking they could.be.fixed. So why was I not fixable? Why did I and my family continue to get adjusted?
I knew they would never be fixed. But on a daily basis - that's what I heard them say again and again.
"Dr. Brandie, I want to fix this. I want to come in 2 times and fix this." "You didn't FIX this last time - so I had to come back."
But what on Earth gets "fixed"?
I'm a mechanic - I fix your car. Now your car will never breakdown again?
I'm a contractor. I fix your house. Now your house will never need repair?
I'm a diet plan. I lose 50 lbs. Now I will never gain the weight back?
I'm a dentist. I fill your teeth and clean them. Now I'll never have to go back? And if I get a cavity - "Man, that dentist didn't work - my problem came back!"
I could go on and on....
What doctor doesn't have you come back for checkups? Optometrist - GYN - Family Doc?
Here is a news flash...no one can fix you. Not any chiropractor, physical therapist, or doctor. It doesn't happen.
The body is a living organism that is subjected to so many stresses in a day. Slouching on the computer, bad food, and chemicals. You don't live in a sterile, non-weight bearing environment where everything is going to stay perfect!
People are living longer. If you feel bad now - how will you feel with 40 more years????
Your structure - your spine - your feet, knees, and hips will determine how enjoyable your Golden years are. If you can no longer walk well - what is your quality of life?
If you are a 40 year old coming into my office - I send out many times for x-rays - because it is a mixed bag. Some will have gorgeous spines - aligned - without arthritis - and normal curves. And some are a train wreck - the product of a life of neglect. How you use it and have taken care of your body - will show and will determine how well you respond to care are not up to me. It is up to what you came in with - how much degeneration you've had. How much adhesions and gristle and muscle spasm you have. It has to do with how you follow what we recommend.
Many think they are above that. "He said to come in 3x/week (just like PT) but I can't make it/don't have the money/don't have the time/mercury is in retrograde - so I'm going to make my own schedule and whatever happens is a reflection of him as a doctor." And if you dieted once or twice a week - how much weight would you lose?
"She recommended for me to come in to get checked monthly - but I am too busy, and I feel great, and my insurance doesn't cover it - so I'll see how it goes." Well, let me come back in when my teeth hurt and have cavities - because up until then - I was golden. No pain, everything's fine right? What I can't see - won't hurt me!
Many think they are above that. "He said to come in 3x/week (just like PT) but I can't make it/don't have the money/don't have the time/mercury is in retrograde - so I'm going to make my own schedule and whatever happens is a reflection of him as a doctor." And if you dieted once or twice a week - how much weight would you lose?
"She recommended for me to come in to get checked monthly - but I am too busy, and I feel great, and my insurance doesn't cover it - so I'll see how it goes." Well, let me come back in when my teeth hurt and have cavities - because up until then - I was golden. No pain, everything's fine right? What I can't see - won't hurt me!
Just like my home that was built in '73 - I, too, am seeing that I am needing all kinds of maintenance, even if I don't have the money for it. I have money to get my nails done, have a cleaning lady, and a large SUV. But I don't have money to maintain my health? Oof.
Like physical strength maintenance. I used to work out solely to lose weight. That is it. I hate working out. Hate it! For the last three months - I go three times a week and run on Sundays because I FEEL better. I function better. Small things like having energy at the end of a 12 hour day, or being able to get out of bed by not literally pushing myself out of bed - are priceless.
I am taking responsibility for my health and am proactive with my health. There is a cost for that. A cost of money and of time. Sure I'd like to be sleeping on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 5:30am - but I head to bootcamp - and at the end - I feel better. Happy. More balanced. Stronger. Leaner.
Oh, and about "fixing things..." while we are on that - imagine if I told my trainers, Mike and Jen Brango from Great Valley Adventure Bootcamp - that they had 2-4 visits to "fix me" because "you know, you trainers - once you go - you go for life!"
Fix my bad habits. My neglect on my weight. Fix all my weaknesses in less than a month. And I'm fixed. I'm done.
My trainers do Groupon (website) deals for a deep discount - much like we take all insurances. Many clients of theirs find them that way. Imagine a Groupon customer saying to them - "Hey guys - I have 12 sessions with you under Groupon - and after that I have to pay out of my own pocket. So let's just do the 12 sessions - and by the way - you need to get me to have 40 lbs. off in that time. After that, I'll wait a few months until the new year when you run Groupon again to pay less so I get a great deal because I don't want to pay for my health anything more than I have to."
It doesn't work that way. How would I look after not working out for months after only working out 12 times? That's like paying someone to mow your grass half the summer looking pretty only to wait until next year to cut it again. Life happens. Degeneration happens. It's your body. It's your health. It's your responsibility!
It makes no sense to think otherwise. So why do we - as a collective - think that it is effortless and doesn't need our attention?
Oh, and about "fixing things..." while we are on that - imagine if I told my trainers, Mike and Jen Brango from Great Valley Adventure Bootcamp - that they had 2-4 visits to "fix me" because "you know, you trainers - once you go - you go for life!"
Fix my bad habits. My neglect on my weight. Fix all my weaknesses in less than a month. And I'm fixed. I'm done.
My trainers do Groupon (website) deals for a deep discount - much like we take all insurances. Many clients of theirs find them that way. Imagine a Groupon customer saying to them - "Hey guys - I have 12 sessions with you under Groupon - and after that I have to pay out of my own pocket. So let's just do the 12 sessions - and by the way - you need to get me to have 40 lbs. off in that time. After that, I'll wait a few months until the new year when you run Groupon again to pay less so I get a great deal because I don't want to pay for my health anything more than I have to."
It doesn't work that way. How would I look after not working out for months after only working out 12 times? That's like paying someone to mow your grass half the summer looking pretty only to wait until next year to cut it again. Life happens. Degeneration happens. It's your body. It's your health. It's your responsibility!
It makes no sense to think otherwise. So why do we - as a collective - think that it is effortless and doesn't need our attention?
Just like every other part of your body - you need maintenance. Your spine and nervous system are the keys to a happy and enjoyable life. Sounds crazy - but it's 100% true. If they don't work properly - you aren't going anywhere. Your quality of life is compromised.
So if you haven't been back to your chiropractor in months or years - go get checked. Get on a regular program to get checked to stay flexible. Stay movable. Less fixed! More movement! Your body in 40 years will thank you!
Maintenance doesn't mean living at your chiropractor, but like anything worth preserving - it takes some effort on a regular basis - just like everything else - your car, your house....Isn't your body more important? Do something - Today!
Dr. Brandie
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