Ah, spring time…time to clean up your closet, clean up your diet, and most importantly clean up your health. For many of my patients, I see them launch into a crash diet. To be honest, I did the same. But what happens when you are done? You gain it back….but why?
Perhaps you’ve gained weight from eating more of what you didn’t before. But it goes deeper than that. For those that have lost over 20 lbs. and put it back on quickly, it has more to do with how you took it off.
In 2001, I weighed 265. I blamed it on having a baby – but I had her in 1998. Admittedly, I’m tall – but 265 is pushing it. My body hurt. I wore a size 22. After Christmas of 2000, my sister got cute little workout clothes, and I got kitchen equipment and mumu’s. I had had enough! Nearing the clinic in chiropractic school, I didn’t see any overweight chiropractors and said, “I don’t want to be the only overweight chiropractor.” (Since then, I’ve seen many :) – but I used that as a mantra.
Using Weight Watchers, over the course of a year, I lost 80lbs. Sometimes I would fast if I ate too many points and eat a head of broccoli for dinner or their Cheese Soup that was 1 point. I didn’t really change what I ate – only the amount.
When I lost the 80th pound, I stood up and bragged how I never had exercised ONCE. Not one single time in the entire year and I still lost weight. How stupid I was.
After keeping the weight off – I looked great. I wore a size 12 (I’m 5’11) so that was great for me!
My first job was at Gold’s gym in King of Prussia. People thought I looked fit and invited me to the circuit class.
Again – thinking because I’m thinner – I am in shape, right? The circuit class was held in the middle of the floor for all to see working out. Within 2 stations, I was ready to puke. With sheer embarrassment, I shook off to the bathroom and could not get out of the stall for an hour!
So embarrassing!
So here is what happened. I lost 80 lbs. in 7 months. I burned off the fat, along with lean muscle. Lean muscle is an indicator of health and vitality. Because I burned off my lean muscle, lack of exercise resulted in rapid weight gain. When you crash diet you take away the bad and the good. Even if you exercise and diet – if you do it too fast (which is what everyone wants!) – you‘re setting yourself up for future failure.
When you diet to lose weight, your goal should be to maintain your lean muscle while losing the fat. How do you monitor this? We use a device called a Bioimpedance Analysis . A BIA evaluates your body fat, lean body mass, and calculates your fat content. This is the most accurate, short of a DEXA scan. People think the underwater body testing is accurate, but the BIA is just as effective, as you cannot express the oxygen out of your lungs which occupies mass and space.
How should you do it?
1. Incorporate an exercise program, even if it is just walking. For us women over 35, you should include a weight-bearing exercise program with weights. Women will NOT bulk up using this. If you need help, ask your sports medicine doc, chiro, or PT. Perhaps you have a trainer at the gym and have never used your free sessions.
2. Don’t push it. It took time to put the weight on, and long-term, do you want to just lose it now, only to gain it back?
3. Make sure you are eating whole foods that are nutrient-dense. The more ingredients something has – typically the less healthy it is.
If you ever have any questions, please ask. I took off 18lbs. last year – and I know each one of them is off for good! Losing weight is simple science, but it is important to understand the why’s to gain long-term weight loss.
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